Professional reading model for scientific texts


  • Mariângela Spotti Lopes Fujita Departamento de Ciência da Informação, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brasil
  • Milena Polsinelli Rubi Departamento de Ciência da Informação, Centro de Educação e Ciências Humana, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brasil



A model of professional reading oriented to the indexing of scientific documents is proposed. The model is based in two complementary methodologies: a scheme of basic questions —the pronouns who, what, how, when and where— and the identification of the parts of the textual structure that contain those answers for a given documentary type. First, relevant previous literature is analyzed to determine the model theoretical and methodological foundations, mainly in the field of textual studies and indexing methodologies. Next, the model is synthesized from this background, and examples of their application are offered. Finally, the procedure of validation and correction of the model is described, which was based on the study of the verbal protocols that the indexers of the National Network of Health Sciences Information (BIREME) and the Nuclear Information Center produced during their use of the methodology. In appendix, a manual for the training of indexers is offered, both for graduate and postgraduate level


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How to Cite

Lopes Fujita, M. S., & Polsinelli Rubi, M. (2006). Professional reading model for scientific texts. Scire: Knowledge Representation and Organization (ISSNe 2340-7042; ISSN 1135-3716), 12(1), 47–69.


