Electronic mailing lists as an information and knowledge sharing tool

a study of the EDICIC list


  • Antonio Muñoz-Cañavate Universidad de Extremadura
  • Ana Albiñana Ferrandis
  • María José Tena Mateos




Distribution lists, e-mail, social media, knowledge management, EDICIC.., Distribution lists, E-mail, Social media, Knowledge management, EDICIC


The present study was carried out through an online questionnaire distributed to subscribers of the EDICIC list created by the Information Science Education and Research Association of Ibero-America and the Caribbean. The study's objectives were threefold: to determine (i) the level of useful-ness of e-mail distribution lists compared with other systems that allow professionals and researchers to receive information useful for their daily work; (ii) the subscribers' opinion about these distribution lists' usefulness regarding the processes of sharing knowledge with their peers; and (iii) the satisfaction with the EDICIC list itself among its users. The results indicate the importance that distribution lists continue to have for the academic and professional world in comparison with other systems. They show themselves to be an efficacious source with which to stay current with colleagues' experience and know-how. Their informative capacity, their ease of use (subscribers passively receive mes-sages in their in-boxes), and their specialized na-ture (bringing together communities grouped into particular interests) make them useful tools for the scientific and academic community.


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How to Cite

Muñoz-Cañavate, A., Albiñana Ferrandis, A., & Tena Mateos, M. J. (2021). Electronic mailing lists as an information and knowledge sharing tool: a study of the EDICIC list. Ibersid: Journal of Information and Documentation Systems (ISSNe 2174-081X; ISSN 1888-0967), 15(2), 29–35. https://doi.org/10.54886/ibersid.v15i2.4746


