Space for creation, innovation and experimentation in libraries

trends and recommendations


  • Anier Caso Barreto Centro de Investigación y Promoción Cultural Samuel Feijóo
  • Ramón Alberto Manso Rodríguez Centro de Investigación y Promoción Cultural Samuel Feijóo



Creative libraries, Citizen innovation in libraries, Creation spaces, BiblioLab, Cuba


A reflection is made on the importance of transforming libraries and establishing them as one of the pillars of territorial development, by creating spaces that favor citizen participation and innovation processes. In this sense, the analysis of the literature focuses on revealing the elements that should characterize libraries in the face of this new paradigm in the provision of their services and the imbrication of these postulates from the implementation of a BiblioLab (MediaLab), as a space for the management of collective intelligence from said information institutions. It also offers ideas, guidelines and instructions that allow any librarian to design and implement these spaces and services. Demonstrating, by way of conclusion, the need to convert libraries from a transactional model to one based on relationships, where the capacity, social impact and confidence building of this institution in its community are enhanced.


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How to Cite

Caso Barreto, A., & Manso Rodríguez, R. A. (2022). Space for creation, innovation and experimentation in libraries: trends and recommendations. Ibersid: Journal of Information and Documentation Systems (ISSNe 2174-081X; ISSN 1888-0967), 16(2), 91–98.


