Privacy literacy

an analysis of the scientific literature in Information Science in the pre-COVID-19 period




Privacy, Privacy literacy, Data protection, Personal data


As a result of their inclusion in the digital economy, individuals are encouraged to use computerized solutions connected to the Internet to carry out everyday activities, resulting in the creation of an extensive and detailed data trail about themselves. To address this problem, privacy literacy stands out as a tool to be made available to society to promote the development of skills that can subsidize individual and collective actions to preserve rights such as privacy, data protection, the right to be forgotten, and informational self-determination. In this way, we analysed how the topic of privacy literacy has been addressed in the international information science literature by exa-mining publications indexed in the Scopus, Web of Science, and LISA databases, resulting in a corpus of 23 different articles. Methodologically, domain analysis was applied in epistemological and bibliometric approaches. In this way, it was possible to provide a historical-conceptual overview of the phenomenon of privacy literacy and its configuration as a resistance mechanism. As far as the configuration of the literature analysed is concerned, there was a dispersion of authors, countries and institutions, which indicates that this is a new topic that is still in the process of scientific consolidation. From a thematic point of view, the concern of the studies with supposedly more vulnerable groups stands out, highlighting the social role of literacy in privacy.


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How to Cite

Bagatini, J. A., & Guimarães, J. A. C. (2024). Privacy literacy: an analysis of the scientific literature in Information Science in the pre-COVID-19 period. Ibersid: Journal of Information and Documentation Systems (ISSNe 2174-081X; ISSN 1888-0967), 18(1), 165–174.


