TALES: thesis integration in an advanced digital library


  • María de Lourdes Fernández Ramírez Biblioteca, Universidad de las Américas—Puebla, México
  • José Alfredo Sánchez Huitrón Biblioteca, Universidad de las Américas—Puebla, México
  • Alberto Javier García García Biblioteca, Universidad de las Américas—Puebla, México




The creation of an electronic theses repository in the frame of the project University Digital Libraries for All (U-DL-A) is an initiative set out to explore the issues in the development of high quality digital services and collections is presented. With it, the library and departments will not have to worry about space restrictions or time schedules; moreover, theses will be available to all interested parties at any time on the Web. In order to make these services possible, various tools were developed. These tools include automated reception, thesis visualization and searching. We emphasize searching and browsing at the level of thesis units (such as figures, tables and others). In this way, the user can access any specific unit and from there go to any other thesis unit or to the whole document. Presenting the theses by units reduces loading time and rapidly gives the user a good idea about their content


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How to Cite

Fernández Ramírez, M. de L., Sánchez Huitrón, J. A., & García García, A. J. (2002). TALES: thesis integration in an advanced digital library. Scire: Knowledge Representation and Organization (ISSNe 2340-7042; ISSN 1135-3716), 8(2), 61–70. https://doi.org/10.54886/scire.v8i2.1172




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