The systems of connections between the web spaces of the news agencies


  • Cristina Faba Pérez Departamento de Informática, Facultad de Biblioteconomía y Documentación, Universidad de Extremadura, España
  • María Victoria Nuño Moral Departamento de Informática, Facultad de Biblioteconomía y Documentación, Universidad de Extremadura, España



The present dissertation is structured in two parts. On the one hand, it analyzes what organization and informative services are available in the principal news offices, both national and international. On the other hand, the work compares the behaviour of the web spaces of the agencies of the informative news (AIN), from the cositations that are generated within that environment, and adding the PageRank (Google) as comparative indicator. The citation analysis of scientific publications is a complex process that studies the relationship between the citation/references and the participating elements, citors/citees. One of the most consolidated techniques in this field is cocitation analysis. The objective is simply to discover the intellectual structure of the given discipline, starting from the premise that the more often two documents appear cited conjointly, the more likely it is that their content is related. The international agencies that show a closer relation are Reuters and Associated Press; for the national ones, they are EFE and Europa Press. The number of co-sites correlates positively with the age of the agency in the case of the national ones; and, in all the cases and not surprisingly, with Google PageRank


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How to Cite

Faba Pérez, C., & Nuño Moral, M. V. (2005). The systems of connections between the web spaces of the news agencies. Scire: Knowledge Representation and Organization (ISSNe 2340-7042; ISSN 1135-3716), 11(2), 141–152.


