Knowledge management in the university libraries of the Region of Valencia: a model and a course of action


  • Salvador Sánchez García de las Bayonas Servicio de Información Bibliográfica y Documental, Universidad de Alicante, España



This study analyses the current state of university and academic libraries within the framework of the convergence with the European Space of Superior Education in the Region of Valencia along with a proposal of actions to develop, from an organisation management angle and focused on the implementation of knowledge management programmes therein. Research is based on the results of a questionnaire sent out to the heads of the corresponding centres; library websites (institutional information, reports, access to resources, and so on) and the use of their intranets and corporative culture in relation to the importance given to knowledge-sharing between collaborators. The survey gathers aspects like formation, management of the corporative intranet, management of libraries and personnel, and study of the informative resources. Secondly, the evaluation processes carried out in university libraries are examined following the model of guide of evaluation established in the II Plan of Quality of the Universities approved by Real Decree 408/2001, of 20 April 2001, together with their impact on the improvement of knowledge management. Finally, an exhaustive review is carried out on the professional bibliography available on this subject in Spanish, Catalan and English. All of this information is presented on a website that can be accessed from the site of the Fundación Iberoamericana del Conocimiento and is periodically updated with any new activities carried out in this area of research as well as other interesting information on this subject. The results obtained are compared with reference models included in the professional bibliography, the study of other practical cases developed as much in Spain as in Europe and the United States and by using markers, recommendations and norms established by such official bodies as REBIUN (the Spanish University Library Network) or IFLA (the International Federation of Library Associations), with the purpose of establishing an analysis DAFO that determines strong and weak points, as well as threats and weaknesses. It can be seen that specific actions and proposals on knowledge management do exist, although results vary depending on the library. However, it is clear that no common systematic model has been applied nor has a knowledge-sharing culture been devised, despite the fact that all of the questionnaires recognise the importance of both. The lack of the development of the knowledge flows becomes more concrete in the case of the tacit knowledge, one of the weak points in the management of the knowledge in the university libraries of the Region of Valencia.


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How to Cite

Sánchez García de las Bayonas, S. (2007). Knowledge management in the university libraries of the Region of Valencia: a model and a course of action. Scire: Knowledge Representation and Organization (ISSNe 2340-7042; ISSN 1135-3716), 13(2), 17–40.


