Google Discover: between information retrieval and algorithmic curation




Google Discover, Web visibility, Content curation, Algorithmic curation, SEO, Scoping review, Information retrieval


The main motivation of this research is the analysis of Google Discover from the point of view of the user who uses it and the webmaster who tries to rank his content and thereby get more visits. Likewise, the main objective is to characterize and synthesize the expert vision on Google Discover, based on a review of the literature. The methodology used is the systematized review, more specifically, the scoping review of the gray literature retrieved using Google's general search engine in its domain, which is completed with a functional analysis of the tool from both perspectives (user and webmaster). Thanks to this analysis it has been possible to verify what Discover is, how to use it and how to optimize the content to appear in the Google Discover feed.


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How to Cite

Lopezosa, C., Guallar, J., & Santos-Hermosa, G. (2022). Google Discover: between information retrieval and algorithmic curation. Scire: Knowledge Representation and Organization (ISSNe 2340-7042; ISSN 1135-3716), 28(2), 13–22.


