Guidelines for KOS compatibility towards intelligent information retrieval




Knowledge organization systems, Semantic interoperability, Intermediate language, Semantic coordinates, Information retrieval, Semantic web


An approach to the compatibilization of heterogeneous vocabularies is presented aiming to allow the intelligent retrieval of information in different databases, ensuring that the original vocabularies are kept without change. This study is characterized by a qualitative approach that supposes an interpretative development of data collected from bibliographic and documentary research. As a product of this research, a set of guidelines is presented that, supported by methods, techniques, and computational algorithms, points to the possibility of creating automated processes of semantic compatibilization of vocabularies that may lead to an intelligent process of retrieval of information distributed in different KOS.


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How to Cite

Theobald Barbosa, N., & de Almeida Campos, M. L. (2022). Guidelines for KOS compatibility towards intelligent information retrieval. Scire: Knowledge Representation and Organization (ISSNe 2340-7042; ISSN 1135-3716), 28(2), 67–81.


