Network analysis of collaborative relationships of WEEE companies in Panama




E-waste, WEEE, Panamá, Social network analysis, Network analysis of coincidences, NAC


In this article we describe the results of an exploratory research carried out to learn about the relationships that companies involved in the collection and/or recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in the Republic of Panama maintain with different entities in the country and abroad. Based on the answers given to a questionnaire, two different approaches have been applied: social network analysis (SNA) and network analysis of coincidences (NAC). The few relationships obtained by applying SNA show us that the transfer of knowledge, information, and resources between entities, which would be desirable, is unfortunately very rare. With the NAC we have analysed the characteristics of the relationships that the WEEE companies have maintained, their relationship with the type of entity with which they collaborate, whether they belong to national or foreign groups of companies and how this collaboration is managed. It has become evident that there is little awareness of collection and recycling of technological waste and that there is a need for government involvement in the development of laws and regulations on WEEE, which regulate the technical processes and the relationships between all the actors involved in the process, as well as actions to facilitate collaboration between companies, both in administrative and regulatory aspects and through appropriate incentives for their promotion.


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How to Cite

Zazo Rodriguez, Ángel F., Ardines González, S., de León, A., Paz, M., Juárez, V., & Perdomo, I. (2023). Network analysis of collaborative relationships of WEEE companies in Panama. Scire: Knowledge Representation and Organization (ISSNe 2340-7042; ISSN 1135-3716), 29(2), 51–63.


