Scientific communication potential and academic virtus of Mexican researchers
Scientific research, Scientific production, Scientific communication, Potential in scientific research, Academic virtue, MexicoAbstract
This article sets out as a goal, to identify the influence of academic virtue in the development of scientific potentiality (PC) in scientific communication (CC) by Mexican researchers. To do this, the model takes the elements of Aristotelian virtue as a reference and transposes them to the capacity for scientific communication, under three elements of evaluation: (1) character (knowledge and reason); (2) the will (intentionality); and (3) the moral fact (actions taken). For data collection, a questionnaire was applied to a random sample of 183 researchers from Mexican state public universities, in relation to their conditions of scientific activity and their approach to the elements of virtue. The data analysis (with a confidence level of 95%), found a high significance of the test statistic, where it is explained that, the greater the presence of elements of the academic virtue of each researcher, they empower him to communicate science in a broad way in quantity and systematically.
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