Scientific culture, scientific literacy and admission-training-conclusion profiles
an exploratory analysis in high-quality graduate programs in Mexico
cultura científica, alfabetización científica, formación de recursos humanos para la investigación, formación de investigadores, desarrollo científico, programas de posgradoAbstract
The positive incidence that constitutes the scientific development of any country, can be represented by various measurement indicators, having as one of its main ones the training processes of researchers from the action and influence of post-graduate programs and their levels of recognition. In the Mexican case, a population of 722 doctoral programs was identified by 2022 that, through various scientific policies, adhere to evaluation and financing processes from the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), renamed as National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (CONAHCYT), of which, through stratified random sampling allowed the identification of 86 doctorate programs with a focus on research, which were analyzed according to the characterization of various features of scientific culture and scientific literacy in two general dimensions: (1) scientific concentration (national geographic distribution, offering institution, type of institution, academic programs, area of knowledge and accreditation level of the program); and (2) influence on the training of researchers (admission requirements, entry profile, subjects related to scientific culture, and graduation profile). Based on the results obtained through a mixed method, it was possible to derive a national analysis identifying a set of conceptual models that define the dimension of scientific culture and scientific literacy in the admission, training and graduation of human capital at the level of doctorate with a focus on research.
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